
I’ve been fortunate to have been presented with the opportunity to make a couple of career changes throughout my professional life. Making a big change is pretty scary; however, missed opportunities are way scarier. So I had to rope in my inner wimp, walk up to opportunities door and kick it wide open.
I can’t quite remember my specific childhood career aspirations, but the one thing that’s always been clear to me was knowing I wanted to make a difference in people’s lives and that it would be an important aspect of my career.
My first endeavor was babysitting neighbors’ kids in our rural close-knit community. It was so much fun doing art projects, playing games, and seeing a child’s face light up from the littlest things. Helping children with their homework while babysitting actually led to my next job as a tutor. As it turned out, I had a real gift for motivating children to do their homework and do well in school. Word got around and soon enough I was fully booked and had to give up the babysitting gigs. I loved tutoring children. We all learn in different ways, and finding a way to help a child learn something new was very rewarding. I became addicted to those “aha” moments when the light bulb goes on and the children “got it.”

These early positive job experiences led to my first career choice to become a high school teacher. My personal mission was to help my students achieve their full academic potential by creating individual learning plans collaboratively with them and their parents. Counseling students and their families was a big and enjoyable part of my job. In fact, it led to my decision to pursue a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology. That decision opened an unexpected door for me. Having taken classes in Organizational Psychology and Employee Assistance, I decided to pursue a career in human resources management.

I’ve seen a lot of career success climbing the ladder from starting as an admin and going all the way to being Chief Talent Officer. In all of my roles in people operations, I aspired to practice HR from the heart and tried to bring positive change to benefit both employees and the business. I accepted the challenge of always considering the many aspects of business strategy as well as the needs of employees at all levels before taking any action. My strength has been the ability to understand real business needs and address them in people and organizational terms. I’ve had many opportunities to hone my skills as a career coach working with employees as well as word-of-mouth clients seeking my expertise over the years.

And then when the opportunity to be a Career Coach presented itself, I wasn't sure I could take the plunge. I was on the verge of yet another career change. But I took the leap. I left the security of a steady corporate job to start my own talent consulting and coaching business. And I haven’t looked back. And so I now run my own business full time to help individuals and companies maximize potential and growth. The lessons driving my career decisions and success have formed the coaching process I am now offering my clients to set and achieve their career goals.

Choiceful Path Coaching offers proven career management programs to individuals and corporations to facilitate professional growth and to optimize performance through strategic choice-making.