Camino de Santiago
Camino de Santiago 4/28 – 5/31 2019
Prologue: Why Walk the Camino?
The vast majority of the pilgrims walking the Camino are on some sort of personal quest – recreational, spiritual, or religious. My personal quest is simple, walk the Camino alongside my husband. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited about the 5-week vacation ahead, and walking 500 miles sounds like an amazing adventure. But my drive is to help my husband achieve his dream to complete the epic journey of walking the Camino. My husband is a man of few words and even fewer needs. His love language is acts of service, and he seems genuinely happy to support me in living up to all of my dreams. This is my turn to give and love unconditionally. At the crossroad of 40s and 50s I am taking this leap from my comfy, peaceful, day-to-day harmonious marital co-existence to embracing the role reversal following my husband’s dream.