Day 3: Zubiri to Pamplona
Today’s stats: 14 miles/1,200 ft elevation. Today’s route offered the best countryside views. The day started on a cheerful note when we met two Israelis, the first on the Camino. It’s fun meeting people from other countries. But if I am honest, it does give me an extra dose of joy to speak Hebrew. For most of the day, we hiked along the river Arga. We even added some extra mileage to continue along the river path rather than through the town’s industrialized outskirts. It proved to be a wise choice as the locals were out celebrating the May 1st holiday, and we got to enjoy special interactions with them and truly feel welcomed.
To continue the theme of changing on the Camino, I am not the only one who’s changing. My introverted husband, is turning progressively into a Spanish speaking chatterbox. I can only hope my Portuguese is half as good in 2 years when I am put to the test while traveling in Brazil.
Camino thought of the day: “the only impossible is what you don’t try.” Buen Camino!