Day 4: Pamplona to Puente La Reina
Today’s stats: 15 miles/1000 ft elevation. Today started on a somber note because it is Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. As I started walking, I was trying to figure out how to commemorate the day. And then it dawned on me that walking the Camino is in a way my own march of the living. It is my opportunity not only to honor my heritage but to also connect with others and build bridges. Mother Teresa said” Peace begins with a smile.” Therein lies a most fundamental principle of peace - kindness.
It is the simple interactions with others, the small gestures, that foster appreciation and acceptance. So, I had my plan for the day: I went the extra “smile” and shared chocolates and smiles along the trail. It is so true that it is by giving that we receive. I got back lots of smiles, hugs, great conversations, and even small tokens of appreciation. I am so grateful for all that I have been able to experience today. A better world is possible! Buen Camino!