Day 14: Hornillos del Camino - Castrojeriz
Today’s stats: 12.5 miles/800 ft elevation.
Day 2 of the Meseta was another beautiful day of endless fields of green and ancient ruins.
I don’t think I have ever been so relaxed in my entire life. The more I walk, the easier it gets to let go of the burdens of the past and the worries about the future. I am finding I can live my Camino life in a more Zen like way free of the constant struggles of generating business leads or keeping cash flow afloat. I am enjoying the amazing power of being present.
We have the perfect hotel for Mother’s Day. Trust us to find the hotel at the top of the hill. But such stunning views can only be had after a significant climb, so it’s totally worth it!
It’s such a fancy hotel that for the first time since we left home, I have a scale in the bathroom. So, to answer the question am I losing weight on the Camino? YES! I shed about 20 pounds daily. I start each morning heavy and awkward and am light as a feather by night.
But seriously, there’s such freedom in not thinking about my weight. I do feel great pride at being able to schlep with the men. It’s true: “strong in the new skinny.”
I also eat like never before. I am hungry all the time. We tend to eat the pilgrim’s menu, three course meals featuring calorie-loaded foods catered to the hungry masses walking 10+ miles a day. And then there are the in-between snacks of pastries, ice-cream and beer. I’ve become a proud member of the clean plate club - no splitting meals nor sharing my food. A peregrina’s got to eat!
Celebrating Mother’s Day on the Camino, I’ve decided to embrace the notion that I am perfect just the way I am, as we all are. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you amazingly perfect women in my life. Buen Camino!