Day 15: Castrojeriz - Frómista
Today’s stats: 16 miles/1000 ft elevation. We were promised flat plains but got a little PG&E climb first thing in the morning. ‘Twas fun!
The sun was shining on us, and it was a beautiful Monday. To loosely paraphrase Bob Marley’s “Sun is Shining”: The sun was shining, the weather was sweet. Made us want to move our hiking feet….”
It’s day 3 on the Meseta, and we own it! I honestly cannot see why people say it’s boring. To me, it’s glorious with its immense skies and vast plains of green fields. We do have to walk long(er) distances between villages to get to the rest stops. But the harder we work for it, the better the coffee tastes....
I told someone I was dreaming of coffee, and she said it indicated a need to look deeper into the heart of things before making a choice. True, on this epic walk I do try to gain insights and knowledge, but on the Camino, it seems craving coffee is par for the course. Buen Camino!