Day 18: Lédigos - Sahagún
Today’s stats: 10 miles/no elevation. We crossed the official halfway point to Santiago.
We passed the Hermitage of La Virgen del Puente, which is considered by the Spanish as the halfway point on the Camino Frances. That is, if you are going by the Spanish mileage count starting from Roncesvalles. We’ve actually walked more since we started in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, France.
On reaching Sahagun, we have entered the province of León.
Have we walked farther than what we still have to go before we stop?
I used to get so annoyed when the kids asked me this on what I thought was a nice family hike. If you’ve experienced the stone footed child, I am sure you can relate.
But today, I get it. Wanting to know how much one has walked is not necessarily a bad thing. In my case, tracking the mileage gives me joy in my heart.
We ended our walking day at the convent/museum that was made a national monument in 1931. Our Lady of the Refuge statute arrived here in 1688. The legend is that a very tired pilgrim kept wanting to stop his Camino. The vision of Our Lady kept appearing to him urging him to continue. We, however, need no lady to motivate us to continue our journey. I am just as excited as I was on day one.
Picking up the certificate for the completion of half the Camino was a moment to remember.
Another such moment was on our morning stop for a second breakfast when we talked to a group of Spanish doctors who are walking the Camino in order to raise money for a children’s hospital. We were all wearing the red clown noses in an effort to raise money for this worthy cause. It’s all about the human connections.
We hope for a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow will be one of our longer walking days. Buen Camino!