Day 5: Puente La Reina - Estella
Today’s stats: 15 miles/1500 ft elevation. We had our first rainy day today. It is amazing how the gloomy weather makes people retreat into their shell. But we came prepared. I am happy to report that our rain gear kept us warm and dry. Fortunately, it was a gentle rain coming down in delicate droplets. And so, I was able to quickly get over my initial bad weather grumpiness to enjoy the rain’s soothing lullaby. The nice thing about the rain is that it eventually stops. It is so beautiful when the cloudy weather melts into a glorious flood of sunshine.
Today is a day of firsts. Sadly, I twisted my ankle and had to deal with some swelling, bone bruise and pain. Today is the day I had my first Camino Farmacia experience. The pharmacist/angel in disguise went above and beyond in attending to my ailing ankle. She sat me down, medicated and dressed my ankle and handed me the tube of Traumeel. She wasn’t a fan of my plan to continue the walk, but I promised to rest my ankle at the end of the day. True to my promise, instead of leaving the guys behind to go on my daily solo excursion to explore my surroundings, I am writing this post with my feet up.
I am grateful for the kindness of strangers and for the loving care of the greatest husband, best teammate, and my truest smile. Trying to enjoy the unexpected rest and relaxation keeping my focus on a quick recovery and healing. Buen Camino!