Day 23: Astorga - Foncebadón
Today’s stats: 16.5 miles/2000 ft elevation.
I started the day with trepidation as we headed downstairs for breakfast praying that I would be able to keep down the food and be strong enough to complete the uphill walk leading to Foncebadón.
Most people stop at Rabanal (a charming village) but we wanted to follow the Spanish Camino guidebook’s recommendation to complete most of the climb to the Cruz de Ferro, the Iron Cross, today. It is the highest point of the French Way.
As we were leaving Astorga, we walked past magnificent buildings, and it cheered me up not to have missed this beautiful city. After walking a couple of kilometers, my fears proved unfounded, and I began to relax and enjoy the scenic views. Towards the end of the day we hiked pretty much entirely along a trail through nature, which made me happy and gave me an extra boost of energy.
I finished the day in a joyful good mood and decided to try and eat dinner. Nothing fancy, just bland soup and white rice. Sadly, it didn’t end well. But on the bright side, it was the agreed upon trigger to start antibiotics. The road to recovery should now be short and pleasant.
I have decided to also carry my special companion for the rest of the way. I say companion because my pack and I have become one. Not having it with me, I had that deep-down feeling that something was missing. On a long-distance walk, your pack is your friend. It has everything you need, and even if you sometimes hate it, it provides a sense of safety and comfort.
Onwards and upwards. Buen Camino!