Day 26: Villafranca del Bierzo - O Cebreiro
Today’s stats: 18 miles/3300 ft elevation. We are in Galicia. One more week to the finish line.
We started our day walking in what was a weird combo of the highway to our right and the river to our left. We were walking to a cacophony of sounds: traffic, a running stream and chirping birds.
After a couple of miles, we found ourselves walking in a beautiful valley amidst green fields and vineyards.
But the idyllic hike didn’t last for too long. We ended the day on a strenuous uphill climb, the equivalent of Mission Peak. To add to the degree of difficulty, the path was decorated with cow pies and horse apples (thanks to those lazy ass pilgrims who do the climb on horseback.) I thought the stench would be the death of me.
It got worse. It was definitely one of the scariest moments in my life seeing that herd of cows running towards me on the narrow path. I was thinking to myself “the irony of life, I survived the runs only to be trampled to death and die in stinking cow poop.” I turned my back to Daisy who seemed to have taken a liking to me. I figured; the best point of impact should be my tuches. Fortunately, the herd dogs came running, and Daisy was on her way with just a couple of sniffs of my assets and no real contact.
When we got to O Cebreiro, we waited by the Chica Verde where we were picked up by Manuel to be driven to our hotel for the night, As Miguiñas do Cebreiro - a little piece of heaven in the middle of nowhere.
Happy the 2nd hardest day on the Camino is behind me.
We had our first Galician dinner. Other than the delicious food, I had a proud wife’s moment when the owner told my very talented husband that his Spanish was “perfecto.” He was so pleased that he made the effort to speak Spanish and order the local dishes on the menu. Buen Camino!