Day 29: Sarria - Portomarin
Today’s stats: 15 miles/1200 ft elevation. The more the merrier!
The more tiring days are now behind us. I am not sure whether the 15-mile walk seemed very easy because we already have many kilometers behind us, or because we were walking with friends we love. Honestly, probably both.
The morning was overcast and misty with the occasional light drizzle. But as the day progressed, we had the perfect weather for walking. We spent most of the day largely in woodland areas.
The number of pilgrims is far greater than so far on the Camino as a large percentage of pilgrims start at Sarria, the minimum (100 km) distance required to earn a compostela. For the first time since we started our journey, we had to stand in line to order food and to use the facilities.
We got to see more of rural Galicia, passing little hamlets, farms, churches and streams.
Portomarín is our final destination for today. It’s quite a big village with over 1,600 inhabitants. We had to cross the bridge over the Miño River, which was turned into a reservoir on our way in. The village is quite new as in 1962 it was flooded and was moved brick by brick into the new village.
It’s hard to believe we only have 4 more days of walking left. Buen Camino!