Day 33: O Pedrouzo - Camino de Santiago
The journey of over a million steps
has come to an end.
We truly pushed past our limits and made it to Santiago with hearts full of pure excitement and backpacks full of memories.
The Camino Francés is walked by millions of pilgrims from all over the world, and we’ve met people from over 30 different countries. It is more than just a pilgrimage, the Camino is a truly unique social and cultural experience, and an unforgettable adventure. The essence of the Camino de Santiago is about enjoying each step of the journey: the physical challenge and sense of personal accomplishment, the other pilgrims and the camaraderie along the way. It’s so true what they say about travel, walking the Camino has made me richer.
Being a pilgrim is not always the most comfortable thing in the world, but it opened the doors of an adventure of a lifetime.
Thank you, our wonderful travel partners, for being such a joyful addition.
Thank you all who have followed my posts for your love and support. Your likes and comments mean the world to me. You carried me on the hardest days and brought joy to my heart on each of the 33 days of our way.
This is my last post for this trip. Until next time....