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Gila Gam

When Tragedy Strikes….

I am heartbroken mourning the victims of the Tree of Life synagogue attack. We live in terrifying times. There are more public mass shootings in the USA than in any other country. And each time a new mass shooting takes place it re-exposes our vulnerability, both personally and collectively. Even when we are not directly affected by a tragedy, we cannot remain unaffected by intense emotions such as anger, sadness, and fear. How do we cope in a world that no longer feels safe? How do we respond and continue on with our everyday life in the wake of such violent tragedies? Dealing with the shock of a national tragedy takes time. To heal, our only choice is to continue living a joyful and productive life. Being resilient is what makes the difference.

Resilience is our innate human capacity to adapt successfully in the face of adversity to be able to move forward and lead fulfilling lives. Like any human trait, resilience also exists along a continuum with some people being more adept at bouncing back from adversity, while others fall apart at the first sign of trouble. But here is what we need to remember: resilience can be learned. We all have the ability to develop and further enhance our resiliency to keep moving forward in a positive way. Resilience is like a muscle that gets stronger with repeated practice.

I am devastated over the power of one person to destroy the lives of many others. The horrific murder of 11 innocent people at a sacred house of worship is weighing heavy on my heart. But I know that just as I need to pause and grieve, I must not let fear, anger, and sadness, stop me from the sacred art of living. I also believe that regardless of religious affiliation, or lack thereof, we have a duty to remember and honor the victims of hate crimes. And the best way to honor the dead is to treat the living, all human beings, with kindness, compassion, and love.

I send my condolences to the bereaved families and to those directly touched by the tragic event on Saturday. And in these disheartening and divisive times, I wish us all a brighter, safer, and kinder future


Imagine –

“Imagine all the people

Living life in peace”

And the whole world being as one.

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