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Gila Gam

Resilience Lessons from Mother Nature

I believe we can all agree that stepping out of the comfort zone opens the door to progress, growth, and unexpected new possibilities. Yet, being aggressively shoved out of the comfort zone can feel like an insurmountable challenge. Some people describe the feeling similarly to those long-forgotten growing pains teenagers experience when going through a “growth spurt,” just wanting to hit “pause” to stop growing for a little while. It’s true, sometimes it does feel like we got more than we can handle. At times, it is OK to be under the covers when it’s cold and you are feeling achy. But then it’s time to come out and face the world.

The Pandemic rifles through our lives demanding physical and mental endurance most of us didn’t experience before. Being resilient means adapting to harsh conditions. Hiking in California’s Sierra Nevada mountains full of pristine lakes reminded me of Mother Nature’s lessons about resilience & perseverance.

The Lesson from the Trees: Bend with the Wind

Hiking to Winnemucca Lake, it was fascinating to see how the pines have been twisted and gnarled by the strong winds. They were able to face and endure the destructive force of the winds without breaking. We adapt to whatever comes our way by initially allowing the powerful forces to push us in a new direction. We then need to claim our freedom and set ourselves free from a rigid set of rules to learn to thrive in a new environment. Use your core values as the roots to ground you in the storm. Think back to such times when you had to weather a storm by allowing it to blow through without resistance. Use the strength of the wind to become stronger and preserve.

The Lesson from the Lakes: Go with the Flow

It is sometimes hard to remember at the sight of a picturesque lake that it may still pose a variety of dangers. Never underestimate the power of a lake. Safety on the water depends on having respect for the water. Currents can be fickle, driven by capricious winds and buoyancy forces. If you get caught in fast moving water, don’t fight the current. Let it carry you. The same holds true if you are caught in one of life’s rip currents. Adjust your direction and flow with the current of change.

The Lesson from Wildflowers: Cultivate Patience

I was lucky to witness the spectacular wildflower display of Tahoe in July, when the harsh winter gives way to the beauty of Spring bloom. Natural meadows evolve over many years, adapting to environmental conditions. They teach us patience and hope. Without winter, we wouldn’t be able to celebrate the abundance of spring.

Remember the ABCs of Resilience –

Accept that stormy days are a part of living. Some goals may not be attainable in adverse situations. Make the necessary adjustments & focus on the things you can do. Embrace the new normal.

Be grounded in your purpose, essence, and values. Being thrown off course may create a sense of loss of control, loss of personal safety, and loss of well-being. Having a clear sense of purpose, being grounded in your truth, and staying true to your core values will allow you to exert some control to prioritize your time and energy.

Cultivate patience. Nature doesn’t hurry. It takes time to grow a beautiful garden. Even small accomplishments enable you to move forward. Focus on what is within reach, rather than worrying about what you fear, or feeling frustrated with things you cannot control.

Remember you can

Bend with the wind and remain unbroken,

Flow with the current and not drown,

Unleash your inner strength with patience to persevere.

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