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Gila Gam

Transformational Goals: Creating a Journey

As human beings, we have an abundance of potential just waiting to be unlocked. The key to tap into, unleash, and build latent capabilities is setting and pursuing ambitious goals. A lot has been said about the impact of SMART goals.

Specific: what do you want to achieve?

Measurable: how will you know you’ve reached your goal?

Actionable: What do you need to start/stop/continue to do?

Relevant: Why is achieving the goal important?

Timely: what is your timeline?

Unfortunately, SMART doesn’t capture the importance of identifying meaningful outcomes, nor doing the right things. SMART goals are great for run-of-the-mill objectives. However, they are not as powerful when it comes to ambitious and audacious goals.

At the core, ambitious and audacious goals are transformative. They allow us to push through mental boundaries, go beyond our comfort zone, and rise above our limits. It’s a deep-dive into our creative process in an inspiring journey of self-discovery. It propels us forward toward growth by offering us new experiences and perspective. Bold goals create lasting behavior change by focusing on a holistic approach that accounts for one’s life’s vision, beyond the accomplishment of a short-term objective. To clarify the difference, think about going on a diet versus seeking a lifestyle change. A diet gives you restrictions and rules in order to lose the weight you want within a specific time frame. In contrast, making a lifestyle change gives you the tools to create and maintain good habits for life. Lifestyle changes require an internal transformation to align daily choices with life and career direction. Thus, success of an ambitious goal does not have to be measured by whether or not you achieve the BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal) but rather but all that you learn along the way.

BHAGs are emotionally-compelling conveying courage, meaning, energy, and growth. They support a life’s vision in a meaningful way. They cut right to the core and answer 5 existential questions:

  1. What is not working in my life right now? What would need to change?

  2. What is working in my life? How can I have more of it?

  3. What secret yearnings do I want to fulfill in the coming years?

  4. What actions to I need to take to make it happen?

  5. Why am I pursuing this goal? How does it fit with the person I want to grow up to be?

When you seek to make a meaningful change in your life, think IMPACT goals: Innovative, Meaningful, Purposeful, Actionable, Consistent, and transformational.

Innovative: set out to do something you’ve never done before.

Meaningful: find a reason beyond yourself.

Purposeful: be clear about your long-term destination.

Actionable: define outputs within your reach today.

Consistent: take consistent action to make your goal happen.

Transformational: make a significant change.

Let me clarify the difference between meaning and purpose. Purpose is having clarity about your destination, where you are heading. Meaning is having clarity about the reason to go there, your “why.” On your life’s journey purpose is your map. You can have an accurate map to a far-away destination. But if you have no intention of going there, it is meaningless to you. The two work in conjunction. First, define your vision, your direction in life. This will give meaning to everything you encounter on your journey. Keep focus on your aspiration to achieve something that is actually meaningful to you and what you aspire to achieve for your long-term success. To initiate self-transformation, expand your thinking, look at the big picture, stay true to your life’s vision and values, and dare unleash your potential.

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