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Gila Gam

Balance: Make Plans but Remember to Go with the Flow

I’ve recently completed my first goal of 2022. I ran my first official half marathon. I chose to do it in Daufuskie Island, and couldn’t have asked for a better location to run my first one. And it’s only the beginning. My plan is to run a half marathon in all 50 states. Yes, I am a self-confessed planner (some might say an over planner.) I always have plans in the making. But for me, it’s not about “getting things done” or “accomplishing more.” It’s a way to stay focused on what’s important and to infuse the days with more joy and excitement. Juggling multiple roles and responsibilities (and blessings) that come with a busy life, and trying to do it all, can be exhausting. I find that planning interesting projects, hikes into the nearby mountains, fun adventures to explore new places and try new things, is the best way to reboot my energy. I’ve learned that if I wait for the right time, nothing happens. To sprinkle my life with more fun, I need to plan for it. If it’s not on my calendar, it won’t ever happen. With the current state of the world, it is necessary to give myself a positive boost. Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s paramount to a balanced life. And having fun is an essential part of self-care.

I proactively look for ways to spend time doing the things I enjoy. I am constantly on the lookout to bring more ooh and awe to my life. How do I experience more of these moments? Anytime I do things outside my ordinary frame of reference. It needn’t be an epic adventure like hiking to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. I usually feel awe when I spend time in nature, engage in meaningful activities, read or listen to inspiring stories, push myself through the toughest workouts, or thinking up new ideas. In short, anything and everything that makes me feel as if I am a part of something larger than myself. It means always being aware of what is going on around me while also making plans for the future. Giving myself things to look forward to, no matter how small, fill my life with hope, optimism, and wonder. It keeps me motivated to work towards my goals and do my best on all fronts; to make every task more exciting, to look forward to what’s coming next, and to live every day to the fullest.

Spending time outdoors is always at the top of the goals I set for myself every year. I am forever hopeful and very much always looking forward to new adventures. Anticipation in life is like anticipation in driving. It means planning well ahead, constantly checking what is happening around, and being prepared to take necessary action. Living joyfully means recognizing, accepting, and embracing the mishaps. There is no perfect person, no perfect plan, and no perfect scenario. We can make the best plans, but life just happens. There are always things we won’t be able to plan for and will never be able to control. Seeking adventures and awe means leaving room for changes. You’ve got to have a plan A. But plan A doesn’t always work out. Be ready for plan B, C, or D as you deal with unanticipated circumstances. Focus on what is unfolding right in front of you. Sometimes the unexpected might be WAY more fun anyway.

Rather than clutching tightly to your plans, adopt a flexible mindset to go with the flow. Train yourself to see possibilities. This entails feeding your mind with fresh ideas every day by getting involved in new things, reading books you’d typically not pick up, listening to podcasts by thought leaders, etc. To keep up with a world that never stops changing, be sure to keep learning. Learning will strengthen and stretch your mental capacity. New challenges will necessitate new insights. Make it a habit to not settle on what you know, what you have, and what is easy. Dare to explore options beyond “Always Done it This Way.” Allow yourself to be stretched and challenged in new ways in order to go places and do things you haven’t been able to before. So, plan for adventure remembering the following 3 truths:

  1. Anticipation is the fun part: planning for things and working hard to get them make the experience more valuable. Looking forward to good times ahead is an active process allowing the mind to build up a sense of awe.

  2. Adventure is personal: it can be anything. It is a gift you give yourself, and it is something you have to define for yourself. Make the commitment to create more fun and happiness in your daily life outside of your normal routine.

  3. Attitude determines the altitude of your adventure: there will always be mishaps. When you try new things venturing out of your comfort zone, things are not likely to go perfectly to plan. Your choice is in how you respond to and choose to navigate change.

As you create and plan for your personal adventures, accept that:

  1. Everything changes and ends.

  2. Things rarely go according to plan.

  3. Discomfort is part of every journey.

Use the following 5 strategies to flow with the change of plans:

  1. Acknowledge & Accept: allow yourself to relax into change as a natural part of the experience. Learn to see change as a chance at new possibilities.

  2. Appreciate & (feel) Awe: choose to approach change with appreciation and awe. It is a gift to yourself and to the people around you.

  3. Adjust & Adapt: make the changes that would allow you to make the most of the changing circumstances. The more flexible you are, the further you will go.

  4. Absorb & Act: absorb new information and put knowledge into practice. Be bold in taking intentional actions to create favorable outcomes.

  5. Accelerate & Actualize: accelerate your efforts to enhance the experience. Put in the time and hard work to unlock possibilities and actualize your potential.

We are not naturally inclined to try new things because the unfamiliar is often scary. Yet, change equals growth. The success of an adventure, and in life, is not how well we execute our Plan A. It’s all about how we cope with and flow with Plan B. The ultimate reward of setting goals and making plans is the full participation in the process. It’s about the joy of the journey and all that we learn in the process of trying and doing. When we can find balance between effort and flow, we open ourselves to new discoveries and endless possibilities. The notion of control in an ever-changing world is ludicrous. Seeking control is like chasing a butterfly. The more you chase it, the less likely you are to catch it. So, stop chasing butterflies. Make plans to go places where you can find them, but be gentle and let them come to you. And when they do, stay still and savor the beauty of the moment.

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