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Gila Gam

Building Your Own Personal Advisory Board (PAB)

You may say that I am a social butterfly. I love to be surrounded by a lot of different people, to do group activities, and to have stimulating conversations. But if I have learned anything about relationships, it’s that life is truly better with friends. The big things become easier. When I surround myself with people who both support me and challenge me to be my best, I accomplish more and have fun while at it. In all of my endeavors I like having my own personal advisory board; trusted people who will encourage me to dream big and aspire higher; who will offer fresh perspective; who will give me well-intentioned and helpful advice; who will provide support and lift me up during difficult times; and most important, who will lovingly tell me the unpleasant truths and hold me accountable to walk the talk.

Having a strong social support network proved extremely valuable not only in my personal life but also throughout my career. Many nonprofits employ advisory boards to advise and support the executive team. The advisory board members use their expertise and experience to help the organization achieve things it would otherwise have limited capacity to handle effectively. By the same token, growth-minded professionals should consider building their personal advisory board in order to maximize their full potential. One may ask whether having a mentor or a career coach would suffice. By all means, a mentor can offer a great perspective on your career. A career coach can help you create a vision and a strategic plan of your career success and hold you accountable in achieving your goals. However, one person may bot be enough. There’s a huge advantage to having a group of people around you to guide, inspire, challenge, and motivate you. Those who’d be invested in your success and hold you accountable to perform to the best of your ability, and beyond. Their knowledge and advice would be invaluable. Your personal advisory board will be there to provide resources, ideas, and support as you navigate your career through the ever-changing workplace.

Make your advisory board, your tuition-free university, or school of greatness. Make it a habit that when you meet anyone who has a unique experience, perspective, or skills, add her to your personal advisory board. Yes, there’s something to learn from everyone. But seek out those who can help you unlock your potential. If your professional goal is to always take your career to the next level, find the people who would offer you the shortcut to level-up but who would also give you the space to figure out how to do things your own way. Look for those who have the qualities you admire and focus on the specific behaviors you want to emulate. Find the right balance when to emulate and when to originate.

Building Your PAB – The “WHY”

You will not reach your full potential by playing it safe. A personal advisory board will encourage you to take risks that would help you stretch and grow. Your PAB will help you navigate change and minimize any potential negative impact by providing ongoing support and advice.

Building Your PAB – The “WHO”

It’s easier to understand people who are similar to you. However, you learn more from those who have different life experiences, lessons, and skills to teach you. A good advisory board is one that complements you and brings new expertise and strength you could leverage to accomplish your goals.

Building Your PAB – The “HOW”

A personal advisory board works best when you nurture the interpersonal relationships through trust and reciprocity. It is a mutual relationship that works best having an informal structure where you keep in regular contact but call upon people when you are facing an important decision.

Building Your PAB – The “WHAT”

To maximize the impact of your personal advisory board, clearly outline the “ask,” what you need from each member of you board. This should include defining the frequency and method of communication. Maintain meaningful conversations. Ask thoughtful questions and be an engaged and insightful listener.

And most importantly, as you accomplish a big goal, remember success is a continuous journey. When one goal is completed, it’s time to start thinking about and planning for the next big thing. Be sure to refresh your personal advisory board as you grow. As your needs and goals change, so should your personal advisory board and the investment of your time. Reassess what new skills and relationships you will need more of going into the next phase, and adjust and prioritize accordingly.

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