In just a few days, Jews around the world will be celebrating Passover, which will begin at sundown on Monday, April 22nd. For the Jewish people, the telling of the Passover story is an annual reminder that freedom is the essential birthright of every human being. And freedom cannot be obtained without peace. The resonating message of the holiday is to inspire and move us to promote peace and uphold freedom in the world. These values must be fostered, nurtured, and preserved, especially in dark times. It is our very freedom that allows us to choose empathy and compassion for all humanity.
What makes the seder such a lasting and powerful ritual is that every year, we get to reflect and see ourselves in this story in a different way. This year, the trauma of October 7, grieving the loss of many lives and worrying about the hostages still held by Hamas, give us new lenses for understanding the Exodus story. As we commemorate the Festival of Freedom, we must remember those still in captivity.
Every life matters. Every child matters. Sadly, many people are experiencing the terrible suffering that is the reality of war in many regions of the world. Shamefully, worldwide diplomatic efforts to end the wars are failing. Perhaps because the motivations are disingenuous, driven by political agendas, power, and greed.
In a world that feels engulfed in darkness, may the power of love and kindness stand as a guiding light to heal hearts and spread peace in the world.
We hold in our hearts every hostage and their families.
We pray fervently for the immediate release of all the hostages, and afterwards, their healing.
We grieve for the fallen hostages, including those whose bodies are still captive.
We grieve the death of all who were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists.
We weep for all the soldiers who fell in the line of duty defending Israel.
We mourn the loss of lives of those cruelly used as human shields by Hamas.
We are strong advocates for the dignity, freedom, and peace of all human beings.
We yearn for both the Palestinians & Israelis to be governed by leaders worthy of their humanity.
We believe that Israelis and Palestinians will find a path to a better future.
We imagine a world free of hate. Until then we choose kindness, love & compassion!
A central ritual of the Passover celebration is asking the 4 Questions: Ma Nishtana – “Why is tonight different from all other nights?” These questions are meant to incite conversations about the values of liberty, justice, equality and peace in all human relationships and between nations. Sadly, this Passover, the celebration of personal freedom, human dignity, and overcoming adversity rings a little hollow in the aftermath of October 7.
Last year, right before Passover, I shared my concerns about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his minions in the coalition. My worst fears became a reality. Just like Hamas has destroyed Gaza, Bibi and his cabinet are tearing Israel’s society apart and are leading the degradation of Israel’s commitment to Jewish and humanitarian values. It’s time for an honest reckoning.
What is different this Passover? Israel is under threat on multiple fronts from enemies outside and inside. The external danger is motivated by a Jihadist political agenda. Iran and the terrorist groups backed by it - Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north. Israel is also under fire by useful idiots falling for Jihadist propaganda hook, line, and sinker. And then, there is Netanyahu leading the country to self-destruction.
No divine power is hardening Netanyahu’s heart. His motive is simple, greed - the ugly, dark, and intense human motive that can be traced back as far as the biblical story of Cain and Abel, the first two sons of Adam and Eve. Cain murdered his own brother in order to gain more wealth and possessions. Netanyahu who faces corruption charges is driven by the same evil motivations: pride, vanity, jealousy, and insatiable greed. His primary goal is to avoid a trial for charges of fraud and breach of trust. All Netanyahu cares about is self-preservation at any expense. To that end, he is aligning himself with the far-right and ultra-orthodox parties willingly sacrificing democracy on the Altar of Greed. He is leading the country sliding down a dangerous slope to becoming a theocratic dictatorship.
The State of Israel was forged from out of the ashes of the Holocaust. As we support Israel’s undeniable right to defend itself against armed attacks, we must advocate for democracy. As humanists, we must uphold democracy as a fundamental value.
And so, this year, as we celebrate Passover, let us re-commit to taking action in the name of tikkun olam – repairing and healing the world.
Let each of us make a commitment to take one action to make the world a better place.
How can you be the change you want to see in the world?
To those who celebrate Passover, I wish you a happy, healthy, and meaningful Passover.
May this festival of freedom bring peace and freedom to all of humanity.