It’s been a while since I was asked what I do for a living. Well, I wasn’t even asked. The person next to me in hot yoga stated after the namaste at the end of class: “so, you are a martial art instructor, right?” I definitely took it as a compliment. I responded with my pitch about being an executive coach who moves clients along the path from where they are to where they want to be in their career. This chance conversation got me thinking more deeply about the coaching work. While the true essence of coaching is goal setting, the process is all about problem-solving – identifying, analyzing, and resolving challenges, the things that get in the way and can derail goal-achievement.
Ultimately, clients’ commitment to the process determines the progress on their goals. Tracking progress means asking (and honestly answering) the following question:
“What problem do I need to solve today to move one step closer to my goal?”
Goal-getters are engaged in the art of problem-solving. Goal achievement is obtained by finding answers to the difficult problems that get in the way. The first and most important step of problem-solving is understanding the issue at hand and clearly defining what needs to be solved. When breaking it down, problem-solving is the process for making decisions to take the small steps that would solve a complex problem. It is often messy and chaotic. But we are all Pros at problem-solving. We have been problem solving from a young age; from learning to play together and resolve conflicts, to getting our parents to buy us ice-cream or allow additional screen time. Adulthood simply brings bigger goals and bigger problems. Throughout life’s journey, everyone develops their own problem-solving methods. My favorite approach is the Zoom Method. I find it to be a valuable tool for encouraging deeper level of thinking about the problems we face.
The Zoom Method is basically the process of perspective shifting. It has two steps: zoom out for the bigger picture and then zoom in for the details.
Zooming Out
When the stakes are high, it is easy to get caught up in stress, anxiety, and fear. The tendency is to zoom in to the negative thoughts and emotions and focus on the struggle. Our mind automatically starts creating scary scenarios that are hard to squash. Zooming out allows the needed mental space to see the bigger picture, to look at the problem from a distance to get a different perspective.
So, when in doubt, zoom out.
Map the entire territory of the problem and look for a way to connect with thoughts that would better serve you.
3 Strategies to Zoom Out:
Place: think of a place that will remind you that everything is much bigger than yourself and the problem du jour. For me, it’s the Grand Canyon. Remembering the epic trip hiking down and back up in a single day makes every challenge seems more manageable.
Person: think of a positive role model, someone you look up to. Ask yourself, “what would she/he do?”
Physical movement: moving your body is a surefire way to shift your mindset.
Zooming out creates possibilities. As you zoom out, solutions that were previously invisible will start to appear. When you get a handle on things, start to zoom in to get a solid grasp on the details.
Zooming In
With the bigger picture in perspective, zoom in to bring the details into focus. Get a closer look until the smaller pieces start coming together and connect in the right way. Zooming in creates choices.
Zoom in to NAIL it: Notice, Accept, Inquire, Leverage
Notice. Notice what it is that you are telling yourself about a given situation. Separate facts from emotions, opinions, and preconceived ideas and beliefs. Consider and critically analyze all of the many factors involved.
Accept. Fully accept reality. Acknowledge the things you cannot change and recognize those that are within your control to change. Accept the responsibility to make a positive change.
Inquire. Use Inquiry to channel your natural curiosity. Think outside the box to find new ways to connect seemingly unrelated concepts, ideas, and details.
Leverage. Leverage your resources to your maximum advantage. Choose strategically where you to focus your attention and what actions would yield positive results.
When working towards a goal and encountering problems, work the zoom button in both directions. Remember: there are always untapped possibilities within you and new paths waiting to be explored.