In the pursuit of my multi-year goal to run a half marathon in all 50 states, I recently took VA off the list. Every run is different, and some races, getting those 13.1 miles in can be painful. On any given day, many variables can affect the running experience and pace. This time, I added mud running to my racing repertoire. I have run in the rain and in puddles before, but nothing like the muddy trail, the thick, gloopy kind, at Harwood’s Mill in Newport News. For me, mud is a tough terrain to run through trying to maintain speed without sacrificing stability and faceplanting. “It'll be fun they said...” Well, not for me. But taking on the 50-state challenge, it didn’t take me long to realize that if I didn’t run when it was hot, cold, wet, or muddy, I might never achieve my goal. I’ve learned to appreciate the wisdom of the Zen proverb “The obstacle is the path.”
Thus, instead of calling it quits during difficult runs, I’ve come to recognize that the path forward is to push through discomfort and whichever challenges and obstacles race day brings my way. The Zen mindset is all about ownership; being proactive and committed to seeing things through. By powering through obstacles, we transform them into the most crucial part of the experience and the journey. Life is not supposed to be easy. Anything worth having requires effort. Challenges are testing points of character. They make us stronger when we push on through to the other side. Every goal conquered and every success achieved are in essence obstacles transformed into paths. To power through is to unlock the power within.
Whether on the trail, in life, or on the job, the power to keep moving forward through challenges is the ultimate superpower and the most subtle power to hone in pursuit of one’s full potential. The three main elements of powering through are: pivot, perseverance and prosperity.
Power to Pivot
They say change is the only constant in life. When running on different surfaces, one must recruit different techniques and muscles. On the career journey, one must be willing to continuously evaluate assumptions and explore new opportunities. This entails pivoting, which essentially means being agile and adaptable. Effective pivoting or adapting requires a strong commitment to a vision and a goal while being aware of and adapting to present realities. Simply stated, pivoting means being able to read the ground ahead in order to plan the route through the muddy patches, then it’s about identifying skills gaps to bridge, strengths to leverage, and strategies to use in order to effectively respond to changing conditions.
3 ways to activate your power to pivot:
Train yourself to look for options and opportunities rather than focusing on the obstacles.
Tap into your inner strength to harness your inner power and unleash your inner superhero.
Transition smoothly shifting gears depending on the amount of power and speed needed.
Power to Persevere
They say that obstacles are only as big as you make them, and no obstacle is ever bigger than your capacity to overcome it. There’s so much to be said for pushing through difficulties and finding what’s on the other side. To persevere is to be able to dig your way out of personal struggles to achieve your goal. Resilience is the integration of mindset (mental frameworks and motivation), skillset (knowledge and abilities), and toolset (techniques, strategies, and resources.) When you find yourself in a slippery terrain – reset! Resilience reset involves refusing to let fear hold you back and breaking through the barriers that keep you stuck. It requires being deliberate in taking actions that are aligned with intentions. Simply stated, perseverance means not getting bogged down in trying to make everything perfect. You aren’t likely to run your fastest time ever when the trail is littered with puddles. Slips, trips, and falls are to be expected. Perseverance is making it to the finish line, whether sprinting or stumbling.
3 ways to activate your power to persevere:
Train yourself to anticipate change, be prepared.
Tap into the purpose (why you are doing this thing) to want to give it your all.
Transition into problem-solving mode to conquer any obstacle, no matter how scary.
Power to Prosper
They say that to prosper is the ultimate motivation of human behavior. Yet, much of human existence is focused on survival. When the alternative is not surviving, then survival-focus is not bad. However, survival mode is not as empowering as thrive mode. When you are in thrive and prosper mode, you awaken and activate your highest self. This is the key to navigating unexplored avenues and unlocking untapped potential. Simply stated, prosperity means becoming better and better every day in every way as you create a life of well-being and fulfillment.
3 ways to activate your power to prosper:
Train yourself to step out of your comfort zone and do hard things.
Tap into your inner wisdom and truth and use both to guide your decisions.
Transform struggles into triumphs. Goals and obstacles re finite. Growth is infinite.
Challenges crystalize clarity. They help us find the inner truth for the things we truly want in life and the things that hold the deepest meaning to us. Adverse conditions are character building, and often are the things that we are proud of and reminisce about year later. So, go forward fearlessly onto the path of growth. It is the only upward trajectory, the only one that leads to self-actualization, to living fully and being the best version of yourself.